HOW-TO VIDEOS: Regular-Sized Wheelchair


To UNFOLD the regular sized wheelchair you will place one hand on the top of the backrest and with your other hand pull apart the footrest from the backrest at top of the chair. Once the chair is about 90% unfolded, feel for the cable wire covered in a plastic housing. With one hand pull that cable wire towards the floor. With your other hand push the backrest backwards about 2 inches. Then release the cable wire.


To FOLD the regular sized wheelchair you will place your fingers under the seat cushion towards the back of the chair. You will feel a cable wire covered in a plastic housing. With one hand pull that cable wire towards the floor. With your other hand push the backrest forward about 2 inches. Then release the cable wire. Place one hand on the top of the backrest and with your other hand pull the footrest up to meet the backrest at top of the chair.


On the top of each rear motor wheel is a red lever. Push that red lever forward to disengage the motor wheels and brakes. This will allow you to push the wheelchair manually. You can use this feature when you want to stretch your legs and walk for a bit. You can use your wheelchair like a walker or rollator by holding on to the backrest and pushing your chair. When you are tired of walking, just pull the red levers back and the chair is back in power mode.


We have so many more design features that are unique to our wheelchairs. Our competitors are all abled-bodied people, so they do not understand what it’s like doing life on wheels. Please watch this video to see all the special features that set our chairs apart from the rest.

HOW-TO VIDEOS: How to get Your FOLD & GO Out of the Box


There are many ways to get your wheelchair out of the box. In this video we show you simple tricks to make it easy. We focus on different wheelchair positions so you don’t have to GET ON YOUR HANDS AND KNEES!

HOW-TO VIDEOS: Simple Monthly Wheelchair Maintenance


There are many ways to tighten the bolts of your wheelchair. Since we are owned and operated by people in wheelchairs we have thought of everything in our design…even regular maintenance. We focus on different wheelchair positions so you can get to every bolt on the chair WITHOUT GETTING ON YOUR HANDS AND KNEES!